The Arizona Alzheimer’s Consortium places a top priority on fostering and engaging emerging young scientists.
Every year, our scientific conference dedicates a specific portion of poster and abstract presentations to student submissions via our member institutions. We welcome presentations
- High school students
- Undergraduate students
- Graduate students
- Postdoctoral fellows

[Pictured: Heather Bimonte-Nelson, PhD, and Yonas Geda, MD, Co-Directors of the Research Education Component for the Alzheimer’s Disease Core Center, with student attendees and presenters at the 2017 Arizona Alzheimer’s Consortium annual conference.]
Through our programs, students have the opportunity to work side-by- side with some of the world’s most talented scientists, clinicians and researchers in an environment dedicated to neuroscientific biomedical research and clinical care.
“Advancing the research education and training of great students, introducing them to talented researchers, and engaging them in the fight against Alzheimer’s disease and related disorders:
What could be better than that?”
– Eric M. Reiman, MD
Executive Director, Arizona Alzheimer’s Consortium
Executive Director, Banner Alzheimer’s Institute
Co-Director, ASU-Banner Neurodegenerative Disease Research Center at ASU Biodesign Institute
Arizona State University, Department of Psychology—Undergraduate Research Opportunities
Providing the opportunity to work with renowned faculty on research projects in more than 40 high-tech laboratories. Click to learn more.
Banner-ASU Neuroscience Scholars
An 8-week training program for top-achieving college undergraduate and graduate science students, working full-time under the mentorship of a Banner Research or ASU-Biodesign
scientist. Click to learn more.
Helios Scholars at TGen
Each summer, 45 students are selected for TGen’s flagship biomedical research internship
program, supported by Helios Education Foundation. Click to learn more.
TGen Academic Year Internships
TGens’ academic year internships are hands-on, volunteer experiences for ambitious,
motivated, goal-oriented students seeking a challenge. Click to learn more.
TGen Bioscience Leadership Academy
A two-week bioscience program serving 20 Arizona high school students every summer. The
intensive education and leadership program focuses on elevating students’ understanding of
the biosciences and precision medicine. Click to learn more.
Please submit your information to learn more about workshops, training, and internship opportunities: